Saturday, November 6, 2010

Back on the wagon 5 months later.

Had some health issues. scared to diet. long story.
now i am BACK ON just in time for the holidays!
drinking more water and less nighttime eating is top of my priority list right now. if i can manage that first i think the rest will be easy. I eat pretty healthy already, I just dont eat consistently.
However, since my toddler is running around now I have noticed my jeans are a little looser and my bra's are starting to slip down. I have also cut back on nursing her a lot now so that should help.

Good vibes please!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fell off the wagon

a little thing called margaritas and cosmopolitans...and bistro 33 sliders.
So i cheated big time this weekend.
I did take a couple long walks, plus my child is mobile now so I am chasing after her a lot more.
But i am not going to make excuses for myself. I am going to get right back on track today.
I did, however, pay more attention to portions and I did stop myself several times. Which I know i wouldnt have done before.
Anyway, this weight loss business is tough.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

feeling good!


its funny, i never approached eating as a "job" or as a way to literally nourish my body. I looked at it more like " its time for lunch" or "i'm hungry. what tastes good?", i look at the clock and I say "wow its been three hours I have to have something to eat to get my metabolism going." instead of having cereal or toast, i made myself a little plate of scrambled eggs or i have a handful of nuts or a protein bar. YAY!
I am unconsciously making healthier choices.
i hope it stays this easy!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Food Journal post

Breakfast 9 am: 1 cup of egg beaters with Pace Salsa and a cup of coffee (130 cal)

Snack 11am: handful of nuts (60 cal)

Lunch: Chipotle chicken burrito bowl. rice, black beans, pico de gallo, chicken, corn and lettuce. vitamin water. (530 cal

snack: 1/4 c of diced pears (1/2 pear) and coffee

Dinner 7pm: 1 1/2 cups of trader joes red pepper tomato soup (120 cal) and one slice of buttermilk bread (100 cal)

dessert: 1/4 c of Kettlecorn popcorn (100 cal)

total 8c of water today!

day after day one

So I woke up today feeling pretty good..still motivated and wanting to stay on my diet. I didnt even THINK about frosted mini wheats and coffee. I thought, hmm..egg beaters with salsa sounds good right now. and no juice. bottled water please!

I haven't started really excercising, but having a baby keeps you moving. I am lifting 21 lbs all day long!

to be continued...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Food Journal post

Breakfast 9am: Greek Yogurt and black coffee

snack 1130: Handful of almonds and peanuts

Lunch: 1/2 cucumber tomato sandwich and a vitamin water

snack: handful of nuts

Dinner: Grilled eggplant w/tomatoes, olives, mushrooms and olive oil served over whole wheat linguine with a teeny tiny bit of goat cheese sprinkled on top (i couldnt help myself!)

Dessert: decaf iced grande americano with one splenda.

The Fat Girl vs. The Skinny Girl

I've created this blog so I have something to report to everyday of my new healthy lifestyle.
No doubt this will be a long journey.
I am embarking on a new healthy lifestyle. I've been flirting with the idea for 9 months now... trying out running, for one day; trying out vegetarianism, for one week; even joining healthy blogs like "the kind life" and "california dreamin'".
But after a few wake up calls and chaffing marks on my legs....I've decided enough is ENOUGH.
i'm tired of looking at myself as the fat girl, and still feeling like the skinny girl.

I was NEVER skinny but I did feel thin. You know? Like my stomach had a roll in it when I sat down in a chair but i never had a bulge. My thighs may have jiggled a little when I ran but they never rubbed together. Well, after 2 years of emotional eating and just plain giving up...I am done!
Plus, after having a baby my body has completely changed and I cant eat the foods I used to enjoy. I struggle with dairy mostly. After seeing the movie Food Inc. and reading The Kind Life, I am seriously considering a vegan diet (which should definitely help with the weightloss). I'm not going cold turkey (pun intended), I am going cut out dairy first and then meat.

I am going to have a lot of entries that consist of just what I ate that day and what I did to excercise. With the help of a friend, I am hoping to lose close to 40lbs.

Here I go!